Remnant Project

The Remnant Project is a community-based effort dedicated to unearthing and representing the hidden histories of African American, Indigenous, and diverse communities in Kitsap County, WA, and the surrounding region.

The Remnant Project is a labor of love by community members who preserved and stored a rich tapestry of arts, history, heritage and culture. This collection encompasses diaries, recipes, newspapers, photographs, and art, documenting the diverse voices and expressive experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in Kitsap County. We focus on preserving and honoring these stories and footprints through the digitization of all materials. The goal is to seed this archive in educational institutions, libraries, and community organizations.

The cornerstone of the project is preserving, protecting and sharing oral and visual histories. This includes narratives from local civil rights pioneers, artists, educators, community leaders, and workers, celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. We are committed to inclusivity, diversity and equity. The project provides links to external resources and collaborates with local cultural and historic places. This collaborative effort cultivates a rich and interconnected culture to culture landscape, fostering of unity, and understanding our the communities.

Through captivating displays of art, artifacts, history, heritage and traditions, the Remnant Project plays a pivotal role in healing and reconciliation by amplifying the voices and contributions of African Americans and Indigenous peoples.

Cultural custodian Akuyea Karen Vargas, Founder of Living Arts Cultural Heritage

Vargas has been a champion for social justice, historical preservation and activism in Kitsap County for many years. Her work in trauma-informed care, social/emotional, cultural and racial literacy fosters deep conversations within the education system and beyond. She brings a deep commitment to honoring the preservation, genealogy, art and culture and offering ways to bridge, collaborate and build an inclusive world.

You can find out more about her work here.